Hypertension – Doughnut eat too much!

Amidst a world pandemic, it is not as though people no longer suffer any other ailments. Heart disease and hypertension remains in the lead, firmly at the top – of the most dangerous conditions.  

We are not about to shame you for eating that doughnut. Forget that you have misplaced your tekkies, or that the tumble dryer ate your running socks. However, in spirit of World Hypertension day, we have to ask: How is your blood pressure? Do you know?

Don’t worry! It’s super easy to find out whether or not you have hypertension

Know Your Score: Visit the Mopani Wellness Clinic and have yourself checked. Knowing your cholesterol, blood glucose, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI) will enable you with the knowledge to guide you through the rest of your journey towards wellness.

Should you have chronic hypertension, it can be managed with a prescription, and healthy changes to your lifestyle. You can get a blood pressure monitor as well, for convenient, at-home testing.

There are so many things you can do that will make a huge difference!

  • You can do barefoot sprint exercises in the back yard.
  • Jumping jacks
  • Use a jump rope
  • Watch and exercise along with YouTube tutorials
  • Put on some music and dance it out!
  • Use your steps Up and down, don’t skip any, and get that heartrate up!

Read more here: Managing your asthma and exercise

About that doughnut…

Have it. Have two. But not every day. If you start eating heart-healthy, it makes room for the occasional indulgence without guilt. A balanced meal does not refer to a hot-dog in each hand! Here is how to compromise:

  • Have your juicy steak, but include a variety of vegetables on your plate
  • If you are relying on animal protein, switch it up to include heart-healthy options. Red meat, fish and poultry should be alternated throughout the week
  • If you are going for plant protein, alternate beans, legumes, nuts and other sources to ensure that you get all the essential proteins
  • Heart healthy fruits are a great way to get what you need, while satisfying a craving. Berries, grapes and dried fruits are great sources of anti-oxidants
  • Try your best to avoid cigarettes, alcohol, too much sugar, sodium and saturated fats
  • Follow a low-salt diet

Read more here: Trending eating plans explained – Keto, Banting, Intermittent Fasting and Vegan diets

Help your body, help your heart

There are a variety of supplements that you can take to optimise the functions of your body, and in turn, help your heart.

These supplements will aid in the fight against bad cholesterol, blood clots and unhealthy veins that may contribute to hypertension.

Read more here: Heart your heart – Watch your cholesterol

Drinking enough water is vital. More than 90% of your blood is water. Dehydration may cause your veins to constrict. This raises the pressure and makes your heart work harder. Drink at least 250ml for every 10kg’s that you weigh. If you are active, you can drink 1.5 to 2 times that amount.

Read more here: How drinking more water benefits you

Don’t go breaking our hearts

We love being helpful. If you are on a treatment plan from your doctor, Mopani Pharmacy can assist in facilitating the process of providing monthly, chronic medications and supplements. Our knowledgeable Pharmacists and Sisters can assist with sound recommendations. You should also remember to tell us if you are on any other medications or supplements, so our pharmacists can rule out any contra-indicated substances.

About your tekkies: We have gorgeous Under Armour running shoes for sale. View the range here.

Side note, in case you were looking; We have healthy snacks.

Sorry, we don’t have doughnuts…

See you soon!

We can deliver your baby products, medication, supplements, cosmetics, fragrances and other Mopani online shopping, nationwide. Contact us for info: mopani.co.za | crossing@mopani.co.za | Tel: 0137555500 | WhatsApp: 0661921703

FitnessHeart healthHypertensionLifestyleWellness