Spend Outside Time with Your Baby

Spend Outside Time with Your Baby

As parents of newborns, it's easy to get caught up in the routine of feeding, sleeping, and changing diapers. With so much to do, it’s easy to forget that spending time outdoors is also important for both you and your baby. It might feel like a lot to handle, but the benefits of fresh air for both you and your little one are huge. So, getting outside should be a top priority every day if possible.

Benefits Of Outside Time for Children

Spending time outside, even if it's just in your backyard, can help your baby in many ways! Sunlight helps boost their vitamin D levels and other vitamins that are absorbed through the skin. It also improves their mood (because no one likes a cranky baby!) and can help them develop a more regular sleep routine, which can lead to better sleep at night and an easier time falling asleep. Walking barefoot outside in the morning can also help reset a disrupted sleep schedule, whether it’s from traveling or just a naturally off sleeping pattern.

Outside Time Helps Boost Immune System

Studies have shown that small amounts of exposure to dirt, grass, and other things found in parks or backyards can actually help boost your child’s immune system. Being outside regularly can also help prevent or reduce allergies when they grow up.

How To Get Outside More Often. Activities For You and Baby

Now that we know it’s important to spend time outside with your child every day, no matter the season, what are some ways to make it happen? We’ve put together a quick list of fun and simple activities that are easy to do and enjoyable for both you and your baby.

  • Take tummy time outside

All you need is your baby’s usual tummy time blanket and maybe an extra blanket for comfort. Set them up outside on the grass and let them do tummy time in the shade or in indirect sunlight.

  • Take baby for a 10-minute walk

You may already have a stroller, so just load up your baby and take them out into the sun for a quick walk each morning or early afternoon. 

  • Feed baby outside a time or two each day

Sometimes, getting outside time is as easy as moving your baby’s next bottle or breastfeeding session from the couch to a spot in the sunlight. This is a simple way for both you and your baby to enjoy some sunshine and fresh air without much setup or planning.

Spending time outside for sunlight and exercise with your baby is important and fun.

BabyBaby feeding essentialsBaby healthBaby sleep