Supplements for Every Stage of Her Life

Supplements for Every Stage of Her Life

Every BODY and every age have unique nutritional needs. However, with every stage of life, there are common nutritional inadequacies that women are most likely to experience. Learn what supplements are best for YOU!


You may find yourself strapped for time and cash during these exciting transitional years, which could result in an unbalanced diet. What supplements should you consider taking?

  • Calcium and vitamin D! Your 20s are a great time to invest in your bone health when your bone mass is still reaching its peak.1 Add vitamin D3 to enhance calcium absorption.2*
  • Iron is important for menstruating women, as excessive menstrual blood loss is the most common cause of iron deficiency in women.3*


In your 30s, you may be expanding your family and/or career, so you need all the energy you can get!

  • B vitamins are often recommended to support healthy energy and mood.4 Taking a B complex will also include B9, also known as folate, which helps protect against neural tube defects during pregnancy.5*
  • Omega-3s are important for heart health, fetal development, and maternal health.6-8*


Your 40s are filled with possibilities; whether you are starting a new business, climbing the corporate ladder, juggling older kids, or welcoming a new addition, women in their 40s are thriving!

  • Omega-3 is key to supporting your immune system, heart health, and mood to take on your 40s!9-11*
  • Vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in regulating the nervous system, cognitive function, and mood.12-13*


Your 50s and beyond can be a great time to reconnect with yourself and maybe your spouse too. Make sure to support all the amazing years ahead of you with high-quality supplements.

  • Calcium is important from 50 on to protect the bones you built in your 20s and early 30s.14*
  • Vitamin D is also important, as postmenopausal women are more likely to develop vitamin D insufficiency.15*
  • Omega-3s are a great choice to support your cardiovascular, brain, and cognitive health.16*