The 7 Step Breathe Easy Guide.

The 7 Step Breathe Easy Guide.

With colder months, come the bugs. They travel around playschools, sports teams and from sibling to sibling – and they are the pits. Short of wrapping them in cotton wool, there is only so much you can do to stop the spread.


Dust off the humidifier: Mucus in the lungs causes congestion, so having your toddler breathe moist air can help to loosen this mucus.


Eucalyptus essential oil is great to help loosen up mucus in the airways. Also, it smells great.


Saline drops, sprays or mists are extremely effective at clearing a baby's congested nose gently and effectively.

But for stubborn mucus you may need to get in there with an aspirator. We know! The things parents do.


Keeping a sick child hydrated is one of the easiest and quickest ways you can help them recover. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.


Breathe easy! Incorporating the powerful healing properties of eucalyptus, tea tree, lavender and frankincense, our chest rub provides a gentle, safe and effective way to ease congestion.


Children need plenty of sleep - even more so when they are ill. Sleep presses the reset button and allows the body some down-time to fight the bugs it is up against.


When children lie flat on their backs their congestion can sometimes worsen. Elevating your toddler's upper body so gravity can help reduce congestion can contribute to a more peaceful night's sleep.

Blog Provided by Pure Beginnings Organic Care