Tips for a Healthier Gut!

Ever heard the saying: “It all starts with gut health?” Well, there is some truth to that statement! According to an article published by Healthline, numerous studies in the past two decades have demonstrated links between gut health and the immune system, mood, mental health, autoimmune diseases, endocrine disorders, skin conditions, and cancer. 

According to Dr E. M. Quigley in his study on gut bacteria in the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, having a wide variety of these good bacteria in your gut can enhance your immune system function, improve symptoms of depression, help combat obesity, and provide numerous other benefits. 

This blog post is going to explore ways to improve your gut health, and hopefully, it will improve your overall health and immune system. 

1. Lower your stress levels  

This is a tricky one. We live in a world where stress is a part of life and a part of who we are. A healthy amount of stress can lead to work improvement, but chronic high levels of stress are hard on your whole body, including your gut. 

You can try and focus on factors that contribute to your stress levels, and how to mitigate them. Brisk walking, listening to calming music, planning your day and week are all factors that can help to lower stress levels. 

2. Prioritise sleep  

Getting enough zzz’s can improve your gut health and it has other health benefits such as recovery and better concentration levels. 

Try to get at least 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep in during the night. This will help to improve your gut health.  

3. Hydration is key  

We hear about the benefits of drinking enough water, but we still don’t always pay attention. 

Drinking enough water has shown to have a beneficial effect on the mucosal lining of the intestines, as well as on the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Staying hydrated is a simple way to promote a healthy gut, Healthline explains. 

Tips to drink more water can include: 

– Put a glass of water next to your bed for when you wake up 

– Tell yourself you need to drink 500ml of water before you can have your morning cuppa 

– Have a water bottle that indicates how many litres of water you already drank 

– Challenge yourself 

– Also, remember to reward yourself for drinking enough water 😉 

4. Food  

What you put in your mouth directly impacts your gut health. Have you ever picked up some food intolerances? You’ll likely experience bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, acid reflux, or fatigue when you have a specific food intolerance. Learn how your body reacts and feel after you have eaten and be more aware of food intolerances. 

Food that can improve gut health (if you don’t have an intolerance) includes yoghurt, kefir, almonds, olive oil, sourdough. 

5. Daily Greens  

NPLs Daily Greens is your daily dose of 6 superfoods in one! Here are the nutritional facts about daily greens: 

  • 100% organic 
  • Natural source of antioxidant 
  • Gut health 
  • Perfect for vegans and vegetarians 
  • Real source food nutrients 
  • Immune support 

Gut health is vital! But it’s very simple to improve your gut health, by following these tips. Drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, eating whole foods, and adding Daily Greens to your daily vitamin regimen are simple steps to ensure a healthy gut. By improving your gut health, you will also improve your overall immune system and kick flu in the … 


Article Supplied by NPL - Nutritional Performance Labs.