When Do Babies Start Crawling

Crawling is a significant milestone for babies, typically occurring around 9 months but can start as early as 6 or 7 months. Some babies may skip crawling entirely and move directly to walking.

Crawling Styles

  1. Commando Crawl: Crawling on the belly using arms to pull.
  2. Bottom Scoot: Moving forward while sitting, using legs to propel.
  3. Classic Crawl: Moving on hands and knees, alternating opposite leg and arm.
  4. The Roll: Rocking back and forth on hands and knees before moving forward.
  5. Tripod Crawl: Using two hands and one knee while the other leg rests.
  6. Bear Crawl: Moving on hands and feet with straight legs.
  7. Leapfrog: Thrusting forward from a bridge pose.
  8. Crab Crawl: Moving backward or sideways instead of forward.

Encouraging Crawling

  • Ensure ample tummy time for muscle development.
  • Assist with sitting to strengthen muscles.
  • Use toys to motivate movement.

Crawling as a Milestone

While it is beneficial for coordination and muscle tone, crawling is not considered an official milestone to varying development timelines.

Delayed Crawling

Lack of crawling is typically not concerning if other milestones are met. Consult a pediatrician if there are delays in multiple developmental areas.

Safety Tips for Crawling Babies

  • Dress in comfortable clothes to prevent injuries.
  • Childproof the home to remove hazards.
  • Teach safe stair navigation and discourage climbing on furniture.
  • Be prepared for potential sleep disruptions during this developmental phase.

Future Development

After mastering crawling, babies will soon progress to standing and walking, followed by more advanced physical activities like running and jumping.
