KROKO CornFix is a liquid corn removal treatment with an applicator and 6 corn plasters with foam donut-shaped rings.
CornFix is a liquid that is painted onto the corn and it works by eating away hard, calloused skin and improves the renewal process for smoother, softer feet over time
Pack Size: 15ml
How to Use:
- Soak foot in hot water for 5 minutes.
- Towel dry and rub corn with a pumice stone or emery board to remove the surface layer of hardened skin.
- Apply Kroko CornFix to the corn using the cap applicator. Use only enough liquid to cover the corn. *** NB: Avoid applying to surrounding skin.
- Allow to dry (one minute) and cover with a Kroko Corn Protector Plaster to ensure liquid is not rubbed off by pressure of sock or shoe.
- Change dressing once a day for six days.