World Health Day – Be healthy from top-to-toe

In spirit of World Health Day, we would like to remind you of the most important aspects of your health, and how to look after it.

Heart and lung health

For a healthy heart, you need to have a balanced diet and moderate exercise. Test your cholesterol and blood pressure with your next health check-up.

Read more: Heart your heart – Watch your cholesterol

Your lung capacity will improve with your fitness. Limit breathing any harmful substances. If you work in any industry where you breathe in harmful particles, wear  proper PPE protection to avoid tong term damage. You should also try your best not to smoke.

Read more: Trying to quit smoking?

Blood glucose levels

Insulin resistance is the ineffectiveness of cells within the body to use insulin optimally. Insulin resistance can cause type 2 diabetes. It usually presents itself in those who consume high amounts of sugar and low amounts of fibre and can happen to anyone at any age. More and more children however are diagnosed, largely due to children being overweight or obese.

Underproduction of insulin is when the pancreas is unable to produce the desired amount of insulin to lower blood-sugar levels. This usually occurs when the body’s own immune system is attacking the pancreas. This may happen due to some auto-immune conditions or viral infections such as mumps or rubella. It often presents itself in childhood. This causes type 1 diabetes.

Continuous high glucose levels can damage the veins in your extremities, causing poor blood circulation and nerve damage over time.

In order to maintain a healthy blood glucose level, try to avoid excess sugar in your diet and do a glucose test with your next health check-up.

Read more: Ask a Podiatrist: How to care for your feet as a diabetic


Cancer is that one illness everyone fears most. Anyone, at any age, can have cancer. However, there are things we can do to minimise risks. We cannot control our genetics, but we can control what we expose ourselves to.

A healthy diet, exercise, not smoking and using sunscreen every day will already minimise some of the risk.

Read more: I am, I will, this World Cancer Day

Mental health

Your body may be as healthy as a horse, but you need to take care of your mental health too. The two go hand-in-hand. It is important to manage your stress, get enough sleep, and to take time to deal with things that cause negative or painful feelings.

Read more: Life changes, stress and how to cope

Chronic medication

If you are on chronic medication, be sure to visit your doctor every year to assess whether or not your medication needs to be adjusted. Just as you may need a new pair of glasses every couple of years, you may need an adjusted prescription for your chronic condition. Always take your medication as indicated and consult your pharmacist for any possible contraindications.

You can visit our Wellness Clinics from Monday – Saturday for a health and wellness assessment, no appointment needed.

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Blood pressureCancerDiabetesElbi dippenaarExerciseFitnessHealthHealthy food