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Lavender essential oil is one of the most used oils in the world and also one of the most versatile. With its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-depressant properties as well as having calming, detoxifying and analgesic uses, Lavender essential oil has been used for hundreds of years.
Antioxidant: By adding Lavender essential oil to your diffuser blends, it aids in fighting the free radicals created by pollution, chemicals and even stress that harm our bodies.
Anti-bacterial: Suffering from acne? Adding a few drops to your face cream, the anti-bacterial properties will help control the initial infection, control the over excretion of sebum and reduce scarring when healing.
Anti-inflammatory: Applying Lavender essential oil to minor burns and wounds, calms the inflammation of the skin and promotes faster healing.
Calming: Inhaling 2-3 drops from your cupped palms, followed by rubbing some on your wrists, temples or feet could provide immediate calming effects.
Detoxifying: Ever thought of emotional detox? Applying two drops of Lavender oil to your wrists twice a day support the adrenals, or applying to the soles of your feet before bedtime for a peaceful nights sleep.
Lavender essential oil is definitely one of the most important oils to have with you.