More mobility. More energy. More repair. The Real Thing MSM-Body is a super-charged source of pure methylsulphonylmethane, or MSM, a natural sulphur compound that supports joint health and an active lifestyle. For athletes. The elderly. The injured. And everyone else too. MSM-Body for your body: Healing and repair. The secrets in the sulphur - a building block for repair and maintenance of cartilage, tendons, ligaments and other connective tissues. Joint Health. MSM-Body supports joints and can help with pain, swelling and stiffness. Energy. In addition to lots of sulphur, MSM contains methyl groups for natural energy production. Exercise. Exercise causes injury and wear-and-tear in joints, tendons, muscles and ligaments. MSM can help with repair and post-exercise recovery. Thats why athletes love it. Breathing. MSM provides nutritional support for the respiratory system and for seasonal allergies.
Pack Size: 240g
How to use: Take half a teaspoon daily
Ingredients: Pure, four-times distilled OptiMSM methylsulphonylmethane (MSM).