It is a herbal anti-inflammatory and pain relieving formula that aids in reducing discomfort. This product contains, among other natural ingredients, Shankh bhasma, which is high in calcium, phosphorous and magnesium, the prime minerals for maintaining healthy joints.
Pack Size: 60 Tablets
Direction and Dosage: Adults and children over twelve: 1 to 2 tablets two to three times daily or as prescribed by a practitioner.
- Maharasnadi quath 65 mg
- Tinospora cordifolia 10 mg
- Plumbago zeylenica 10 mg
- Zingiber officinale10 mg
- Commiphora mukul 162 mg
- Shankh bhasma 65 mg
- Rubia cardifolia 19 mg
- Shilajeet 16 mg
- Moringa pterygosperma 16 mg
- Hibiscus abelmoschus 10 mg
- Tribulus terrestris 16 mg
- Sodium Benzoate 0,3 % m/m